Balance is vitally important in football - it helps you beat your man despite receiving a tough challenge and you do not spend a lot of time on two legs during a game, you're always running about and moving so it's important to be able to balance on one leg. It is also crucial for clean ball striking as you are unlikely to be able to connect with the ball cleanly if you are always off balance when the ball is in a difficult situation to hit.

Balance Drills For Footballers/Soccer Players | Improve Your Balance and Increase Performance

Lower Body Balance Workout | 10 Min | Improve Your Physique As A Football Player | Bodyweight

How to Improve Balance, Stability, and Core Strength for Footballers/Soccer Players

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TOP 5 Balance Exercises for Athletes in Any Sport

Balance Training For Soccer Players

Soccer Players MUST have this skill. Balance!

SKLZ Balance Pad Warm Up | Football Drill | AJ 1-2-1 Coaching