An attacker whose starting or general position tend to be on the flanks. From there the attacker will usually cut in whilst dribbling, or move off the ball into central positions and operate as a centre-forward. Despite operating from a wider position, and being expected to carry the burden of ball-carrying, the element of surprise allows Outside Forward to match the goal-scoring exploits of even the best centre-forwards. Whilst a wing-forward is not dissimilar in terms of gravitating towards the centre, an outside forward is not obliged to stay out wide and has the licence to roam frequently whereas a wing-forward is considered vital to team shape and expected to hold the width. A prominent example is Cristiano Ronaldo.
Auxiliary forwards is a catch-all term designed to capture those footballer's who operate in a world of their own, defying tactical convention and operating in spaces mere mortals wouldn't dream of picking up. They possess complete attacking freedom but utilise it in a way as to wreak the most devastation on their opponents, choosing to ignore any playmaking responsibilities and instead choosing to find spaces only with a view to then either run directly at the opposition or send a shot flying from distance. They can be found either roaming both flanks or operating behind the striker, it is very hard to define their spatial boundaries as it seems to change on a game by game basis. They're arguably hybrids of centre-forwards, outside forwards and second strikers. A prominent example was Eusebio.